GKSPhone V1 (ESX)

110.00 EUR

Package Description

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GKSPhone is more than just a phone. It includes many social media apps, custom themes and apps, games, and more. Our phone is the best selling phone on the FiveM platform and has the largest customer network. We offering free technical and update support for years, all our customers benefit from the innovations in the phone for a single price. Remember, we only offer technical support in English.

This resource is works to ESX  Old  Legacy (1.1) and ESX LEGACY(1.2+) versions.

GKSPHONE comes ready in 9 languages. These languages are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish and Turkish. You have to translate it into languages other than these languages yourself. GKSHOP periodically increases language support.

This is the lifetime phone package you will buy from this page. You can use the phone for lifetime.

FiveM Asset Escrow
This resource comes encrypted with the FiveM Asset Escrow system.
If you want to learn this system, you can review our documentation and fivem documentation about this system.

Due to Rockstar, FiveM and Tebex copyright rules, we have changed the "real brand application names(like twitter, youtube etc.)" to different names so that none of our customers will have any problems. After purchasing, you can edit the names and logos of these applications as you wish.


  • Hot: LiveStream App (In-game live streaming between players, only works pma and mumble), Phone Signal System, Group Call(only works pma and mumble), Mute and Speaker feature for phone call(only works pma and mumble), Dynamic Island feature, Info App(iFrame), Business, Car Seller.

  • Social Media Apps: Match Me(Date App), Snapgram (Photo, Video record and comments in posts and comments in posts), Squahawk (Squawk your thoughts), Advertising(Job and Services Ads), PlayTube (Watch any videos), Giggles (Funny moments).

  • Messaging Apps: Messages (including group chat and voicemail), Dark Chat, Mail.

  • Jobs Apps: Taxi, Gotur, Rent A Car and MarketPlace

  • Main Apps: Bank, News, GPS, Stock Market, Valet, Gallery (Take photo and record video), Billing(Check here work with esx_billing), Job Notify (notice on pd and ems), Calculator, Music, Notes, House App.

  • Entertainment Apps: Race, Tuneify (Custom ringtones and wallpapers), Games (Snake, BlackJack, 2048, Tetris)

  • GKSPhone have iOS Control Center: Turn on/off weather forecast, AirDrop (phone number sharing), Brightness and Sound Level. Facetime (with webrtc), Flashlight, Flight Mod and Streamer Mod.

  • Props: Fast and Normal Charging Kiosk . 3 different phone probes custom made by Patoche. (iPhone 12 Pro Black, Gold and Pink)

Voice Supports: PmaVoice, MumbleVoip, SaltyChat (works stably in version 2.6) and TokoVoip
*Group call, mute and speaker feature only works pma-voice and mumblevoip.

Media Services

Support  Script




Secure Content 
Fully Optimized
Fast Delivery

Easy to Setup
Our files encrypted with a high-security type of encryption.

Fully optimized for your server. Your players won't have any problems.

Customers who purchase receive the product within 10 minutes.

Setup is very simple, with installation instructions included in our files.


Watch July 2023 Dev Log


Watch June 2023 Dev Log



As of March 10, 2023, the main menu view is as in the picture.















Frequently Asked Question

  • This resource supports pma-voice, mumble-voip, tokovoip and saltychat (works stably in version 2.6).
  • Compatible with new and old qbcore versions. (oxmysql 1.9.3)
  • We offer free technical and update support to all our customers.
  • We use utk_render to capture the image. Facetime works with webrtc(we don't use proxy).
  • All the files and installation guide you need are provided to you upon purchase. You won't need anything extra.

Information about purchasing

Lua knowledge is required to install and edit this file. If you don't know anything about this, we recommend that you don't buy it.

GKShop always cares about your safety. That's why we use the cfx.re license system. Before purchasing, make sure you are logged into tebex with your correct cfx.re account. Because resource cfx.re is associating with your account.

We don't accept refunds as there are no extraordinary errors or problems preventing use in this package. However, if you open a "chargeback", Tebex and GKSHOP may take action against you due to multiple usage agreement violations. You can review the terms of use here.

Additionally, always remember to keep your artifact up to date. You must use artifact 5848 or higher to use our phone.

You can get artifacts here.

Files you can edit:

1. ServerAPI.lua
Setting the starting number
Vehicle Sales

2. ClientAPI.lua
In-game clock

3. gks_gotur and gks_ebay server → All files

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